Angles – Lesson 1

Lesson 1—This first lesson may seem to be a lot, but the stitches are repeated in several places. This is intended to be a pleasurable experience, not stressful, so stitch at your own pace.  We will be working areas 1 – 5 in this lesson.

The videos show the actual stitch creation, which you may find helpful if you are unfamiliar with these stitches. The areas for this lesson are highlighted and labeled in the above diagram, to help you with placement in the overall project. 

For each area, we have identified the area, the primary stitch in the area, and the page numbers in the printed booklet.

 Area 1 – Sprat’s Heads, Pages 1-3

Area 2 – Upright Rice, Pages 3-9

For the second step, you may find it easier to work all of the stitches across the top and right edges moving down the 14 base stitches, then all of the stitches across the bottom and left edge moving back up the base stitches.

Repeat for the third step.

For the fourth step complete the cross stitch before moving to the next one.

Area 3 – Amadeus, pages 10-12

You have the option of stitching both halves of the Amadeus at the same time, or stitching one half then the other. Some find it easier one way, some prefer the other way. When stitching both halves at the same time, the first two stitches share holes, side by side with no canvas thread between, and the stitches are made between these two stitches. 

The Amadeuses share a hole at the base, shown in the motif placement. You may place the colors however you like; the color motif shows the red at the top, the light gray on the left, dark gray on the right and black at the bottom.

The placement motif shows where the Amadeus motif fits with the right angle sprat’s heads and upright rice stitches.

Click on the images to enlarge them, to see the numbers and stitch direction easier.

Area 4 – Hungarian, Page 13

Stitch the Hungarian area twice, leaving a gap between for the laid lines. The Hungarian areas are under the Amadeus motif as shown.

Area 5 – Laid Braid, pages 14-15

The laid lines are couched in place between the two Hungarian areas.

This concludes the first lesson.