Teaching Projects – Gilded Cabochons

I just got back from Washington, DC and the ANG National Seminar, where I taught Gilded Cabochons, a four day class. I had a wonderful group for the class, all excellent stitchers, and they all made tremendous progress on their projects!

Gilded Cabochons is just loaded with different stitches. Maybe next year one of my students will enter their piece in the exhibit, and get the Sampler Award for it. Fingers crossed!

This design was inspired by the ceiling of Union Station in Chicago, the Amtrak station. I’ve sat and looked at the ceiling many times, and was struck by the geometric nature of the ceiling, and thought it would be a great needlework project.

Where the ceiling is recessed, I stuffed and padded the elements to bring them forward. I figured it would be too difficult to pad the surrounding areas!

I’m quite pleased with the way the project turned out, and I think the students enjoyed it as well. The design was worked with all ecru threads on eggshell canvas, with a few specialty threads in ecru to add texture and interest. I enjoyed designing this one and stitching the model.

It’s about 8″ x 8″, so not a huge project, but one that provides a lot of texture and variation.

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