Spring Quilt Block – continuing with the giant scotch stitch

I apologize for not posting the next step for a week – life interferes, along with some really pressing deadlines. But, here’s the next step, giant scotch stitches, and I should be ready with the next part in a day or two.

Click here for Spring Quilt Block B instructions

I’m continuing on with the Gumnuts threads and so far really liking how they feel as I stitch, and how the finished stitches look. But I ran into a little snag.

I had stitched all of the giant scotch stitches, then thought about the color. Was it too dark? Did I have something else I could have used? So I spent a sleepless night thinking about this, and decided the next day that I would take it all out and use a lighter color. Well, I had used the lightest color purple in my bag. Some of you know that I live in an area with no shops for hours, and certainly none with Gumnuts threads. I couldn’t just pop out the shops and get a lighter shade. I decided to live with what I had.

As I thought about it, I thought about spring flowers. Some of my absolute favorites are a deeper shade of purple – pansies, grape hyacinth, irises. I grew more comfortable with the color. Now I think I’m pretty happy with it.

When I stitched the giant scotch I took a path through the area in a diagonal line.

That’s certainly not the only way to stitch reverse scotch stitches, but it made sense to me and I enjoyed taking this particular path for stitching.

There are two areas of giant scotch:

I’m quite pleased with the subtle color variations in this thread, and I think it covers very well with a single strand on 18 ct.

Here are the diagrams for the giant scotch:

Basic giant scotch
Two blocks, reversed
The entire area
A diagonal path
The giant reverse scotch around the center blocks

I’m almost ready with the next section, and will get that up much quicker, I promise!

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