Stitching buddies

Today I’m off to stitch with friends! The third Wednesday of the month is one of my local ANG meetings, and I drive about 2 hours to get there. We stitch, catch up, have lunch, then I drive 2 hours home.

I started doing this more than a decade ago. I searched out local chapters at the ANG site, and this was the closest one. I really wanted to be involved with a local chapter, so the drive was the least of my concerns. By the way, it’s a great time to catch up on my podcasts, notably FiberTalk!

Since then I helped to start an ANG chapter closer to home, joined 3 more chapters (in Oklahoma, Illinois and Cyber Pointers), joined an EGA chapter, and try to make it to the local stitching gatherings at the local shop. Stitching with friends is a very important part of my stitching world!

I rely on their in person, face to face feedback about new designs and colors, thread choices and general input. I have a lot of confidence in my designs, but that feedback is so important!

So, I’ll gather all my stitching things, the current project, my podcasts and head off to see my friends. I hope you have as pleasant a day!

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