What I’m Teaching for ANG 2020

I’m always thankful for the privilege of teaching at ANG National Seminar, and am pleased to have been selected for three classes this year.

For those who don’t know, ANG is the American Needlepoint Guild, and every year we have a seminar. This year we’re in Tucson, one of my favorite places, August 6-10.

What can you do at seminar? Well, you can take classes like the ones I’m offering, from the best teachers in the industry. There are two banquets, an opening and a farewell. You can view the exhibit of outstanding needlework from our members. There’s a merchandise night, where you can enhance your stash. A teacher’s showcase allows you to meet teachers and discuss bringing them to your local chapter. And there’s lots more activities, always more to do every day of seminar than time to do it.

Mostly, you’ll meet other people who share our passion. The very first seminar I went to, Nashville 2005, was an eye-opening experience! I only ate alone if I wanted to, because usually people waiting to eat were eager to share their table. There’s always a stitching area open 24 hours a day to sit and stitch with other stitchers. ANG seminar has always been the highlight of my calendar, even before I began teaching for them. So if you haven’t been to a seminar, I encourage you to come. The exhibit and some other activities are open to anyone, whether you’re attending seminar or not. If you’re in the area, drop by and see what’s happening!

I’ll be teaching three classes: Indie Pop, Mostly Crescents and Fandango. For the next couple of days I’ll use the blog to show pictures and describe the classes I’ll be teaching.

Indie Pop Coral

Indie Pop is a three day class. Students will be making a lot of choices in this class!

Indie Pop Neutral

First students will have to select the colors they want to use. I have stitched models in the coral/lilac and Neutral color ways, but there are also Tropical and Autumn options:

Autumn threads
Tropical threads

The center of the design, and the layered ribbons extending from the center, are the same for everyone. But that’s where the similarities stop and the choices begin. There are 8 interior borders surrounding the motif squares, 8 large motifs and 8 background stitches. Students will have to decide which four of the eight they want to stitch, which threads they want to use to stitch them, how many strands for the background stitches, how much metallic to use. Every project will be different! It should be fun to see things develop!

Next time I’ll talk about the other classes. For now, if you want more info about ANG National Seminar 2020, go to http://www.needlepoint.org and click on the 2020 Annual Seminar button.

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