Another opportunity for an online class

Hello stitchers! Are you looking for something to do? Don’t have any works in progress? Just kidding – we know we all have WIPs! I wanted to let you know about a class I’ll be teaching through American Needlepoint Guild’s Cyberpointers chapter.

Cyberpointers is an all online chapter of ANG, perfect for people who don’t have a local chapter (like me), or whose local chapter meets at a time when you can’t. We have meetings 6 times a year, all conducted online, with programs, workshops and discussion just like face to face chapters.

This year I’m honored that Cyberpointers has selected one of my projects for a workshop, Gilded Cabochons.

Gilded Cabochons

I was inspired to design this by gazing at the ceiling in Union Station in Chicago. I derive a lot of inspiration from architecture, carpets, wall paper, sculpture, stained glass, quilts – you name it.

Union Station Ceiling

Of course, it’s difficult to get the recesses in needlepoint, so I choose to pad and stuff those areas to provide dimension.

A lot of the project is stitched with floss, with some specialty threads thrown in for emphasis. I taught this project initially at the ANG seminar in Washington, DC, in 2018. I’ve not taught it since in any venue, so this is the first opportunity to take this class outside of seminar.

For Cyberpointers, I’m developing 3 additional color ways.

Blue Topaz with pearly white
Pewter gray
Ruby with gold

The class is scheduled to begin October 12 and end November 16.

Here’s the registration information: Gilded Cabochons registration information

Deadline to register is June 22, so you have about a week. Unlike with other online classes, there won’t be a “grace” period, so you need to get your registration in pronto!

Thanks for considering this, and I hope you’ll join us!

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